Title - Wave Petunias Pink Packaging Is Their Trademark

When I bought petunias last weekend, I noticed that they were in bright pink containers; I wondered if this color might be a Wave trademark pink. A bit of digging (pun intended) and I found that in fact, the bright pink packaging is a trademark of Ball Horticultural Company who own this brand.

Since pink is not a color typically seen for plant packaging, it stands out, making it easy for consumers to identify this particular company's plants. Wave petunia pink is an excellent example of how color can identify and differentiate a brand.

See why the color pink make it easy for consumers to identify this company's plants.

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Now when you think about adding a wave of color to your garden, I bet you will think pink!

Feature Image Credit: iStockphoto
Wave Petunia is a registered trademarks of the Ball Horticultural Company and the image is being used under nominative fair use.

Read Time: < 1 minute
  • Tammy says:

    I bought Wave Petunias this year and they were amazing with so many blooms!

    • Kate Smith says:

      Tammy, I bet your petunias look great. šŸ™‚

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