This week I'm reviewing a book described as “a celebration of human creativity” - Colourful World by Amandine Guisez Gallienne.
Throughout time man has used color to enhance himself and the world around him. This book beautifully reveals the colors of the world; not the colors found in the natural surroundings but rather the colors selected by man to express something about himself and the community in which he lives.
Amandine’s photographs in Colourful World transport you around the globe where she “discovered a passion that knows no political frontiers.” She also discovers that “those who deal with colour speak the same language, a language concerned with the intensity, brilliance or depth of a particular tone, value and shade.”
The 200 plus photographs are divided by color. This is more a picture book than one filled with words. The text that is included touches on the meaning of colors and how different cultures have viewed colors through the ages.
I thoroughly enjoyed viewing each and every page of Colourful World and think you will, too.
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All images credit: Kate Smith (photos taken of pages in the book)